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Some examples of environments I have created.


They range from project works to my own individual ideas.


My aim is to create encapsulating atmospheres with a strong mood, but also experiment and refine my 2D ideas.

environment portal land final.png
aftermath 2.png

War Torn Gateway


An exercise in colour and composition, this concept revolves around a war ravaged gateway environment. One no longer as obscured and hidden away as it once was.

Sector 16 Concept Refined.png

Sector 16-8 Entrance


Creating a large scale artwork to represent the overall mood, scale and expectation for the Sector 16 world space.


A large interconnected manufacturing plant holds mystery behind every door and a glimpse at the huge scale of this zone.


An attempt at creating a beginning for the possibility of extensive concepts ranging from this initial design.

Sector 16 Concept Colour.png
Sector 16 Concept Greyscale.png
treetop dreamscape complete 2.png
treetop dreamscape complete.2.png

Bulbous Dreamscape Citadel​

Experimental piece communicating a large natural environment nestled in a dreamlike space in the sky.


A long pathway leading, from the viewer, to the tower is marked by adjacent colossal rings.

hell bull environment.png
hell environment b&w.png
hell environment.png

Hellish Forest Environment

Trying different brushes creating a piece on the spot.

A ritualistic pathway into darkness.

Corotus Lair
Corotus Lair BW

Fungal Cavern Environment

Sketched concept adapted to a coloured digital rendering. A sanctum of parasitic creatures whom have plagued the earth inside.

Environment Art LINEWORK.png
Environment Art TONE.png

Approaching the Travellers Gate

The process of developing a solely digital concept.


The furthest townhouse belonging to a reclusive society, situated the closest to the gate leading to mystery and adventure.

Environment Art COLOUR 3.png
Underwater Shrine
Underwater Shrine Night

The Underworld Shrine

Going straight to digital to illustrate an on the spot idea.


An underwater scene, below the point of natural light. Ethereal colours show the mysticism and power of this place. A coral guarded path leads to a shrine and overlook, getting up and close with a colossal serpent deity.

Hazardous Hollow Colour.png
Hazardous Hollow greyscale.png
Hazardous Hollow muted


Eternally chilling and grand, this hollow is comprised of many twists and turns leading to precious minerals. Its scale and allure has attracted all kinds of beings to enter, but contains more than expected.



Hazardous Hollow




Serpentine Palace.png


Serpentine Palace​

The regal courtyard, a glimpse into this symbolic palace and it's outside walkway.


Stronghold Alcove


Stronghold Alcove

The interior of an ornate mystical stronghold. A vessel of power lies within the centre.


purple mech scene lit.png
purple mech scene.png
purple mech scene flat.png

Centralised Power Font

A chamber within a mechanised and wired technological fortress, possesses an extraordinarily powerful and abundant source of energy, especially in its application. Connected to many parts of the enclave, it is a primary sector of power flow and is constantly protected.


crevass environment.png


Crawl Canyon

Practicing depth, a beginning to what an entire zone or environment block could centre around.

Artscape Garden.png


Artscape Mobile Game Piece (Bridge over a pond of Water Lillies)

This piece was created for a painting gallery focused mobile game project. It was inspired from a painting by Claude Monet. In game there was 2D animation of water ripples and blooming flowers.

desert quadmid linework.png
desert quadmid 2.png
desert quadmid environment.png


Desert Quadmid

A digital painting over a traditional sketched concept.

A land overseen by this structure renders the area extremely dangerous to cross unless underground or obscured. Some say the emanating power warps the minds of those close by. The path marked by skulls leads to inexplicable and otherworldly spectacles.

refining map concept coloured.png
refined map concept.png


Rustic Potion Environment

Digital concept for a group project creating a game about potion making, crafting and community. 

fineliner stuff-3.png

Three tiered illustration of a connected environments segments and stages.

Descent Game Envisioning.png
fineliner stuff-10.png

Early concept art and envisioning for the cave based game project, Descent




Environment brainstorming & thumbnails.

fineliner stuff-1.png
fineliner stuff-16.png

Subterranean cavern exploration.

fineliner stuff-8.png

Storyboarded underground chasm environment progression.

Vast elite palace/gilded hall with long hallways and high ceilings, containing runic symbols and language.

Troll inspired catacomb piece, containing stone walls and crypt elements.

Ghost Ship
Olden Castle

Cosy wooden lodge nestled in a snowy forested zone. A hunters residence with trophy animals and prised guns. Protection from the devastating cold weather.

Ghost ship and underwater temple.

Olden castle in a magically bound environment, below a magical gateway.

environment building.png

Orb Bomination encounter environment, with the final phase taking place on the lower tier.

environment storyboard progression 2.png

Natural entangling environment storyboard progression concept.

Environment thumbnails

Environment thumbnails, focusing on dynamic angles and building off previous ideas.


Gateway Diorama 1.png
Gateway Diorama 2.png

A 3D modelled diorama of a 2D magical gateway concept.



Based off a top down view sketched out level design map. This was for a university project to employ effective level design techniques.


Tieing together many sketched illustrations and concepts, a stylistic fantasy environment was brought into 3D. This was also for a solo university project.

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